184 (Yes 184) Spiritual Practices To Bring Into Your Life

There are many paths up the mountain.

love | meditation | spirituality
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In The Seven Lessons of Love, I wrote that spiritual practice is a crucial step on the path towards greater self-love. By rooting our love in something larger or something greater than ourselves, we remove any limits on how much love we can bring into our lives.

However, when I talk to people about deepening their spiritual practice, I often get replies like “I’ve always struggled with meditation,” or “prayer doesn’t really resonate with me.” It seems that “spiritual practice” to a lot of people means just a few actions one can do: go to church or temple, pray, maybe sing or chant.

But the landscape of spirituality is wide and vast, and there are an infinite number of paths one can walk to deepen one’s experience with the divine. For those of you also looking for more things to do, I offer you this list of 184 Spiritual Practices To Bring Into Your Life.

As you look at the list, ask yourself: which ones have I tried? Which ones have I never heard of? Which ones did I not think could be done in a spiritual way?

Don’t forget that you can practice your spirituality daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Daily you might visit your shrine and chant with prayer beads, weekly you might garden to commune with The Great Mother, monthly you might go on retreat, and every year you might make a pilgrimage. As you take a look at this list, consider how you want to deepen your spiritual life.

  1. Activism
  2. Affirmations
  3. Aikido
  4. Altars/Shrines
  5. Amulets
  6. Ancestors
  7. Angels
  8. Animals
  9. Aroma Therapy
  10. Art
  11. Astrology
  12. Awareness of Death
  13. Bathing
  14. Bearing Witness
  15. Bible Study
  16. Blessings
  17. Bodywork
  18. Bowing
  19. Breathwork
  20. Candles
  21. Caregiving
  22. Celebrations
  23. Centering Prayer
  24. Chakras
  25. Chanting
  26. Coaching
  27. Community
  28. Confession
  29. Contemplation
  30. Conversation
  31. Creating
  32. Creativity
  33. Dancing
  34. Discernment
  35. Study Groups
  36. Divination
  37. Drawing
  38. Dream analysis
  39. Drumming
  40. Eating
  41. Embodied Prayer
  42. Empathy
  43. Enneagram
  44. Equanimity
  45. Ethics
  46. Fasting
  47. Feng Shui
  48. Food
  49. Forgiveness
  50. Friendship
  51. Games
  52. Gardening
  53. Generosity
  54. Gratitude
  55. Grief
  56. Haiku
  57. Helping
  58. Herbs
  59. Holidays
  60. Humility
  61. Hymns
  62. Icons
  63. Intentions
  64. Incense
  65. Intuition
  66. Japanese Arts
  67. Jesus Prayer
  68. Journaling
  69. Karma
  70. Kirtan Chanting
  71. Kneeling
  72. Knitting
  73. Koans
  74. Labyrinth
  75. Laughter
  76. Learning
  77. Lectio Divina
  78. Letting Go
  79. Loving Enemies
  80. Loving kindness
  81. Mandalas
  82. Mantras
  83. Marriage
  84. Martial Arts
  85. Massage
  86. Meditation
  87. Mealtime Graces
  88. Mindfulness
  89. Monastic Life
  90. Mudras
  91. Music
  92. Nature
  93. Nonviolence
  94. Not Knowing
  95. Offerings
  96. Oracles
  97. Painting
  98. Parenting
  99. Passion
  100. Patience
  101. Pausing
  102. Perseverance
  103. Pets
  104. Photography
  105. Pilates
  106. Pilgrimage
  107. Places
  108. Plant Medicine
  109. Plants
  110. Poetry
  111. Positive Thinking
  112. Pottery
  113. Prayer
  114. Prayer Beads
  115. Prayer Rugs
  116. Prayer Wheels
  117. Protests/Marches
  118. Reading
  119. Recovery
  120. Reflexology
  121. Relationships
  122. Religious Seasons
  123. Religious Symbols
  124. Renunciation
  125. Repentance
  126. Repetition
  127. Retreats
  128. Restorative Justice
  129. Resurrection
  130. Right Livelihood
  131. Rituals
  132. Rosary
  133. Running
  134. Sacraments
  135. Sacred Space
  136. Sacred Texts
  137. Sacrifice
  138. Saints
  139. Sculpture
  140. Self-Inquiry
  141. Service
  142. Sewing/Quilting
  143. Sexuality
  144. Shadow Work
  145. Silence
  146. Singing
  147. Simplicity
  148. Smiling
  149. Social Justice
  150. Solitude
  151. Speech
  152. Storytelling
  153. Study with a Teacher
  154. Sweat Lodges
  155. Suffering
  156. Surrender
  157. Synchronicity
  158. Tantra
  159. Tai Chi/Qi Gong
  160. Tea Ceremony
  161. Teaching
  162. Therapy
  163. Tikkun
  164. Time
  165. Tolerance
  166. Tonglen
  167. Totems
  168. Transitions
  169. Travel
  170. Vigils/Attending the Dying
  171. Virtues
  172. Vision Quest
  173. Visiting the Sick
  174. Vocation
  175. Volunteering
  176. Vows
  177. Wabi Sabi
  178. Walking
  179. Welcoming Strangers
  180. Wholeness
  181. Work
  182. Worship
  183. Writing
  184. Yoga

What do you think? Did I miss any? Which practices are your favorite? Comment below:

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3 thoughts on “184 (Yes 184) Spiritual Practices To Bring Into Your Life”

  1. Pingback: The Spiritual Path of Love - Zach Beach

  2. Pingback: The Six Paths to Spiritual Wisdom - Zach Beach

  3. Pingback: I'm Sorry to Be the One to Tell You This, but You Are Not Who You Think You Are - Zach Beach

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